County funding makes the Museum possible, the Friends make it GROW!
As with any history, the past serves as a springboard into the future and the present is strengthened by the traditions of the past.
The Friends of the Florida Maritime Museum's mission since its inception in 2012 has been to support the Museum through community outreach, education and financial support. Today we extend that mission to bring the Museum's historical perspective full circle by educating the public on the transformations facing Florida's present day commercial fishing industries.
County funding makes the museum possible, the Friends make it GROW!
The everyday expenses of The Florida Maritime Museum are funded by the Historical Resources Division of the Manatee County Clerk of Circuit Courts and the Manatee County Board of County Commissioners.
Friends enhance the Museum's initiatives through educating the public by coordinating special events, marketing initiatives, community correspondence and financial support.
Check out what we have been able to accomplish to help GROW the Museum!
Renovated the historic Burton Store to accommodate the vision of a Folk School
Raised capital to make the dream of the Folk School become a reality
Funded Phase I and II of the Re-Imagination renovation of permanent exhibits
Substantially raised funds to beautify the Museum grounds with native landscaping
Hosted major fundraising events including Jack Davis Fishing for Our Future 2019 banquet and lecture
Financially supported the rehabilitation of the mosaic fountain in Sailor Secret Garden (a must see!)
The Friends of the Florida Maritime Museum is a registered 501(c) 3.